5:51 PM

What life is like being pregnant

I am now 18 weeks pregnant with our first baby and we are super excited!! My due date is June 28th. On Tuesday of last week we felt the baby move for the first time, and have been feeling it move every day since. I have a very active baby and it still catches me off guard every time I feel the it bouncing around in there! It has been such an exciting time for us. There are many changes we are getting used to. Like being hungry all the time, having to buy maternity clothes because my normal clothes no longer fit, trying to sleep at night but not having much success due to achy, restless legs (which Brendan so kindly massages for me even in the middle of the night). But regardless of all the aches and hunger pains, the reward will be well worth it all!!

We continue to hang out at our cozy little home, play games together, watch special movies, have daily Bible readings and take our dog for walks. Time will go fast, and we want to make the most of our time together as these will be our last 5 months of just being us (even though we can't wait for the baby to be born).
We will keep you updated. Also, please pray for us and baby over the next 5 months as we prepare for the big day in which it will come into this world, then we will get to meet our precious little blessing :). -Sarah

5:10 PM

Photos Of Us....

Scotts Valley Oregon, June 2010

Same Day

Fun at the Zoo!

Our Wedding Day!!!!!

Hanging out at home

 Honeymoon, Buchart Gardens, Victoria BC

Opening wedding gifts!

Paused from opening wedding gifts :)

Chilly summer day in Astoria Oregon